Many people feel safer at for from in of on onto out the under their own cars than risk getting germs while travelling at for from in of on onto out the under public transport. The truth at for from in of on onto out the under many car drivers and passengers is the opposite. A British survey discovered that most cars are so dirty inside that they are a potential breeding ground at for from in of on onto out the under bacteria such as the deadly E.Coli. The survey was carried at for from in of on onto out the under by the University at for from in of on onto out the under Nottingham. Microbiologists analysed steering wheels, hand brakes, foot wells and seats to find at for from in of on onto out the under what bacteria might be lurking there. They found that most cars were dirty enough to harbour at for from in of on onto out the under deadly bacteria. They also discovered that most car owners gave very little thought to the importance at for from in of on onto out the under keeping their car interior hygienic. Cars are an ideal place at for from in of on onto out the under germs to live. Over half at for from in of on onto out the under car owners have dropped food at for from in of on onto out the under seats, while a third have spilt drinks. Other owners spoke at for from in of on onto out the under children's vomit and 'pet accidents'. Despite this, only a quarter at for from in of on onto out the under owners cleaned the inside at for from in of on onto out the under their cars once every three months and most drivers still eat and drink at for from in of on onto out the under the wheel. Common problems the researchers found were drink bottles at for from in of on onto out the under seats, used tissues at for from in of on onto out the under storage areas and rotting food at for from in of on onto out the under carpets and seat covers. A spokeswoman said: "It's really worrying to see just how dirty people are letting their cars get. We were expecting to find some bad stuff at for from in of on onto out the under the University at for from in of on onto out the under Nottingham's testing but we didn't expect to find bacteria relating to E.coli at for from in of on onto out the under there.