An international team about at for from in of on to up with scientists has discovered a huge coral reef about at for from in of on to up with the Amazon River. The team about at for from in of on to up with the universities about at for from in of on to up with Georgia about at for from in of on to up with the USA and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil was about at for from in of on to up with an expedition to learn more about at for from in of on to up with Amazon River plumes when it made the discovery. Plumes are the areas close about at for from in of on to up with where a river meets the sea and the river's freshwater mixes about at for from in of on to up with the saltwater about at for from in of on to up with the ocean. The reef system spans an area about at for from in of on to up with 5,800 square kilometres, stretching about at for from in of on to up with the coast of French Guiana to the rainforest of the Brazilian state of Maranhao. The finding has surprised marine biologists because reefs are rarely found about at for from in of on to up with large rivers as the water is usually too muddy and dark, and does not contain enough salt. The scientists only explored 10 per cent about at for from in of on to up with the reef. They said there were many sponges, creatures and other marine life that had adapted about at for from in of on to up with life in the darker waters. They also recorded 73 species about at for from in of on to up with reef fish, many of them carnivorous. Researcher Dr. Patricia Yager enthused about at for from in of on to up with what she had seen. She said: "We brought about at for from in of on to up with the most amazing and colorful animals I have ever seen about at for from in of on to up with an expedition." Sadly, not all news about the reef is good. The whole area has been earmarked about at for from in of on to up with oil exploration. Dr Yager warned that: "From ocean acidification and ocean warming to plans about at for from in of on to up with offshore oil exploration right about at for from in of on to up with top of these new discoveries, the whole system is about at for from in of on to up with risk about at for from in of on to up with human impacts."