Sentence Jumbles


  • Type the jumbled words in the correct order.
  • Click the button at the bottom to check your answers.
  • Press the "refresh" button on your browser to play again.

The 10 sentences
1. of most smugglers one world's people Arrested the wanted .

2. He the of General' has nickname 'The .

3. he people plans smuggling and The carries way out .

4. to better to try a Go to find life Europe .

5. police Sudanese hideout secret a in Mered found .

6. controlled huge Detectives he a organization say .

7. up each people $5,500 charged to He .

8. - boats risk Make journey the in high dangerous .

9. rich his He very from activities became .

10. to Sweden Make a huge amount of money and then move .

Back to the people smuggler lesson.

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