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treat drag pull become cover lose break pay order explain
sue escape happen have see go sign resign say apologize
An American airline is in trouble for the way it one of its passengers. A passenger on a United Airlines flight was out of his seat and out of the aircraft along the floor of the airplane. The passenger, David Dao, was a 69-year-old doctor. Dr Dao unconscious after security guards pulled him out of his seat. His face was in blood. He two front teeth and the security guards also his nose. The doctor for his seat but United Airlines him to get off the plane because they wanted his seat for a flight attendant to sit down. The doctor he had to work the next day because he had many patients to see at his hospital. United staff didn't listen to him.

Dr Dao is going to United Airlines for damages. Dao was born in Vietnam and from the Vietnam War in 1975. His lawyer said being dragged off the United Airlines flight was a "more horrifying" experience than living through that war. Dr Dao's daughter said: "What to my dad should never happened to any human being….We were horrified and shocked and sickened to… what happened to him." A video of Dr Dao being dragged off the flight viral on social media. Over 150,000 people have an online petition asking the United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz to . He he would not resign. He also initially did not and said Dr Dao was at fault for his injuries.

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