Discussion Questions - Listening

Listen to the 20 Questions.

  • Put the words below in the correct order to make the questions.
  • Press the "refresh" button on your browser to play again.
  • ...or look below to see the 20 Questions.
1. think read you you headline did when the What?

2. when you hear the word 'fierce' What springs to mind?

3. you do What criticism the of think?

4. women's in be should subjects What studies?

5. conversation' How someone 'polite would teach?

6. conversation your is polite How?

7. would you learn in a dinner party etiquette course What?

8. is on skills useful course application How a nail?

9. think you do What style your enhancing on course a of?

10. courses the are sexist How?

11. reading article Did like this you?

12. you when of think you do What 'criticism' word the hear?

13. What what do you you read think about?

14. adjectives would you use to describe this story What three?

15. compare to someone syllabus 1950s did the the Why?

16. the of think you do What syllabus the pulling for school?

17. the To course what stereotype degree girls did?

18. the esteem building teach best self- kids way What's about to?

19. at How analyzing good things are critically you?

20. like the What you ask would to school questions?

Back to the women's studies lesson.

Women's Studies - The 20 Questions

STUDENT A's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)
  1. Did you like reading this article? Why/not?
  2. What do you think of when you hear the word 'criticism'?
  3. What do you think about what you read?
  4. What three adjectives would you use to describe this story?
  5. Why did someone compare the syllabus to the 1950s?
  6. What do you think of the school for pulling the syllabus?
  7. To what degree did the course stereotype girls?
  8. What's the best way to teach kids about building self-esteem?
  9. How good are you at analyzing things critically?
  10. What questions would you like to ask the school?

STUDENT B's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)
  1. What did you think when you read the headline?
  2. What springs to mind when you hear the word 'fierce'?
  3. What do you think of the criticism?
  4. What subjects should be in women's studies?
  5. How would someone teach 'polite conversation'?
  6. How polite is your conversation?
  7. What would you learn in a dinner party etiquette course?
  8. How useful is a course on nail application skills?
  9. What do you think of a course on enhancing your style?
  10. How sexist are the courses?

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