Scientists from two of the USA's amazing brittle discovery elite enough experts framework fully ground hand industrial line medicine method minutes professor ratio similar water weight universities have pioneered a new amazing brittle discovery elite enough experts framework fully ground hand industrial line medicine method minutes professor ratio similar water weight of creating artificial muscles. The scientists have dubbed their amazing brittle discovery elite enough experts framework fully ground hand industrial line medicine method minutes professor ratio similar water weight as a "soft robot". It is a 2.6-gram "muscle" that looks like a small bag with many amazing brittle discovery elite enough experts framework fully ground hand industrial line medicine method minutes professor ratio similar water weight -filled compartments. It has been given amazing brittle discovery elite enough experts framework fully ground hand industrial line medicine method minutes professor ratio similar water weight strength by supporting it with an origami-inspired structural amazing brittle discovery elite enough experts framework fully ground hand industrial line medicine method minutes professor ratio similar water weight . This allows the artificial muscle to lift an object that is 1,000 times its own amazing brittle discovery elite enough experts framework fully ground hand industrial line medicine method minutes professor ratio similar water weight . The New Scientist website said this weight-to-strength amazing brittle discovery elite enough experts framework fully ground hand industrial line medicine method minutes professor ratio similar water weight is the equivalent of a newborn baby lifting a large 4WD car. The amazing brittle discovery elite enough experts framework fully ground hand industrial line medicine method minutes professor ratio similar water weight -breaking discovery could greatly benefit many areas of science, amazing brittle discovery elite enough experts framework fully ground hand industrial line medicine method minutes professor ratio similar water weight , robotics and engineering. The scientists are from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University. They are amazing brittle discovery elite enough experts framework fully ground hand industrial line medicine method minutes professor ratio similar water weight in the field of soft robotics. They said their new soft robot muscle can be made in just 10 amazing brittle discovery elite enough experts framework fully ground hand industrial line medicine method minutes professor ratio similar water weight and costs less than one dollar. Researcher, amazing brittle discovery elite enough experts framework fully ground hand industrial line medicine method minutes professor ratio similar water weight Robert Wood, hopes to create "softer" robots that are more amazing brittle discovery elite enough experts framework fully ground hand industrial line medicine method minutes professor ratio similar water weight to humans. He said: "Humans are normally soft and amazing brittle discovery elite enough experts framework fully ground hand industrial line medicine method minutes professor ratio similar water weight compared to the big amazing brittle discovery elite enough experts framework fully ground hand industrial line medicine method minutes professor ratio similar water weight robots that you might find on an assembly amazing brittle discovery elite enough experts framework fully ground hand industrial line medicine method minutes professor ratio similar water weight . The next step is to take this system and develop it into a amazing brittle discovery elite enough experts framework fully ground hand industrial line medicine method minutes professor ratio similar water weight functional robot." Dr Daniela Rus explained that the robots could be like the human amazing brittle discovery elite enough experts framework fully ground hand industrial line medicine method minutes professor ratio similar water weight . They could be strong amazing brittle discovery elite enough experts framework fully ground hand industrial line medicine method minutes professor ratio similar water weight to grip any object firmly, while being soft and gentle.