Scientists have found out why area certain childhood clarity fragrances instantly memories multitude negative nostalgia nostalgic partly patients perfume point sense temporarily well whether word smells recall feelings of area certain childhood clarity fragrances instantly memories multitude negative nostalgia nostalgic partly patients perfume point sense temporarily well whether word and can recall distant memories. The scientists say an area certain childhood clarity fragrances instantly memories multitude negative nostalgia nostalgic partly patients perfume point sense temporarily well whether word of the brain is responsible for assigning area certain childhood clarity fragrances instantly memories multitude negative nostalgia nostalgic partly patients perfume point sense temporarily well whether word to smells and for storing them for decades. The area can area certain childhood clarity fragrances instantly memories multitude negative nostalgia nostalgic partly patients perfume point sense temporarily well whether word recall the memories with great area certain childhood clarity fragrances instantly memories multitude negative nostalgia nostalgic partly patients perfume point sense temporarily well whether word years later if a person encounters the smell again. Christina Strauch, from the Ruhr University in Germany, said smells are stored in the olfactory brain. The area certain childhood clarity fragrances instantly memories multitude negative nostalgia nostalgic partly patients perfume point sense temporarily well whether word olfactory means anything related to the area certain childhood clarity fragrances instantly memories multitude negative nostalgia nostalgic partly patients perfume point sense temporarily well whether word of smell. She said: "It is known that the piriform cortex is able to area certain childhood clarity fragrances instantly memories multitude negative nostalgia nostalgic partly patients perfume point sense temporarily well whether word store olfactory memories. We wanted to know if that applies to long-term memories as area certain childhood clarity fragrances instantly memories multitude negative nostalgia nostalgic partly patients perfume point sense temporarily well whether word ." There are a area certain childhood clarity fragrances instantly memories multitude negative nostalgia nostalgic partly patients perfume point sense temporarily well whether word of scents that can transport us back to our area certain childhood clarity fragrances instantly memories multitude negative nostalgia nostalgic partly patients perfume point sense temporarily well whether word . Smells from cookies baking in the oven or the area certain childhood clarity fragrances instantly memories multitude negative nostalgia nostalgic partly patients perfume point sense temporarily well whether word of an elderly aunt can bring back surprising recollections of growing up. Professor Strauch said certain scents can take you away to another area certain childhood clarity fragrances instantly memories multitude negative nostalgia nostalgic partly patients perfume point sense temporarily well whether word in time. Strauch said some odours can make you wish you were actually back in a certain point of time, or make you want to escape. She said it depends on area certain childhood clarity fragrances instantly memories multitude negative nostalgia nostalgic partly patients perfume point sense temporarily well whether word or not the smell has a positive or area certain childhood clarity fragrances instantly memories multitude negative nostalgia nostalgic partly patients perfume point sense temporarily well whether word association. Aromatherapists area certain childhood clarity fragrances instantly memories multitude negative nostalgia nostalgic partly patients perfume point sense temporarily well whether word depend on this for their area certain childhood clarity fragrances instantly memories multitude negative nostalgia nostalgic partly patients perfume point sense temporarily well whether word . Smells can even encourage you to buy things in stores. Many stores introduce area certain childhood clarity fragrances instantly memories multitude negative nostalgia nostalgic partly patients perfume point sense temporarily well whether word to shoppers to evoke area certain childhood clarity fragrances instantly memories multitude negative nostalgia nostalgic partly patients perfume point sense temporarily well whether word memories to buy things they loved years ago.