Rescuers are working to airlift thousands of salmon to . The salmon are trapped in of the Fraser River in British Columbia, Canada. They have been trapped since a in June. The landslide means the salmon cannot swim to spawn (lay their ). Conservationists have spent weeks looking at how to help the fish. They decided the best way was to fly the fish to the side of the landslide by helicopter. The fish will then be free to swim up to their ground. Rescuers have been "working around the " to help the salmon.
If the fish cannot lay their eggs, the salmon population will be at . Salmon numbers will fall to low levels. This will many of Canada's First Nations people. They need the salmon for food. Salmon also play an role in the culture and traditions of these people, who have lived along the river for hundreds of years. Their of life will continue thanks to the rescuers. The rescuers are looking at ways to help the fish. Rescuers said three million salmon want to swim of the rockslide, so they need methods to help the fish.