Eighteen threatened 1973 annually better commercial conservationist evidence fastest focus future many market number plant protection result species states they treaty of sharks and rays will be 1973 annually better commercial conservationist evidence fastest focus future many market number plant protection result species states they treaty protected. Countries signed to the CITES animal and 1973 annually better commercial conservationist evidence fastest focus future many market number plant protection result species states they treaty protection 1973 annually better commercial conservationist evidence fastest focus future many market number plant protection result species states they treaty agreed on greater 1973 annually better commercial conservationist evidence fastest focus future many market number plant protection result species states they treaty for these marine creatures from 1973 annually better commercial conservationist evidence fastest focus future many market number plant protection result species states they treaty fishing. The protected species include the world's 1973 annually better commercial conservationist evidence fastest focus future many market number plant protection result species states they treaty shark (the mako shark), wedgefishes and guitarfishes. A 1973 annually better commercial conservationist evidence fastest focus future many market number plant protection result species states they treaty wants to ensure 1973 annually better commercial conservationist evidence fastest focus future many market number plant protection result species states they treaty continue to be around for 1973 annually better commercial conservationist evidence fastest focus future many market number plant protection result species states they treaty generations. CITES was established in 1973 annually better commercial conservationist evidence fastest focus future many market number plant protection result species states they treaty and is signed by 182 different 1973 annually better commercial conservationist evidence fastest focus future many market number plant protection result species states they treaty . The 1973 annually better commercial conservationist evidence fastest focus future many market number plant protection result species states they treaty of the weekend meeting was on reducing the 1973 annually better commercial conservationist evidence fastest focus future many market number plant protection result species states they treaty of sharks killed each year by 1973 annually better commercial conservationist evidence fastest focus future many market number plant protection result species states they treaty fishing. A conservation group said as 1973 annually better commercial conservationist evidence fastest focus future many market number plant protection result species states they treaty as 273 million sharks are killed 1973 annually better commercial conservationist evidence fastest focus future many market number plant protection result species states they treaty . Forty countries said there was no 1973 annually better commercial conservationist evidence fastest focus future many market number plant protection result species states they treaty to show that the mako was in danger as a 1973 annually better commercial conservationist evidence fastest focus future many market number plant protection result species states they treaty of fishing. The global shark fin 1973 annually better commercial conservationist evidence fastest focus future many market number plant protection result species states they treaty is believed to be worth over $1.2 billion.