Children who live woodland a city have better mental health than children who do not. Researchers say children who visit and experience the great outdoors every day develop better thinking skills. They also have a lower risk behavioural and emotional problems. Lead author the research Mikael Maes, from University College London, talked his research. He said: "These findings contribute to our understanding the natural environment as an important protective factor [a child's] cognitive development and mental health." Another report author, Professor Kate Jones, said seeing and hearing the sounds nature provides psychological benefits children.
the four-year study, researchers studied 3,568 children aged 9 and 15 31 schools in London. They examined the links the natural environment and thinking skills, mental health and overall well-being. The researchers calculated how going to woodland and parks, and "blue space" rivers, lakes and the sea, affected children's health. They asked children to take memory-based tests. The children who visited woodland every day scored higher the tests. They also had a 17 cent lower risk emotional and behavioural problems. Mr Maes recommended all children experience "forest bathing" or "forest therapy". This is "being immersed the sights, sounds and smells a forest".