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A toddler from Ghana has officially been [recognized / recognition] as the world's youngest artist. Guinness World Records [knowledgeable / acknowledged] Ace-Liam Nana Sam Ankrah when he was just one year and 152 days old. The little boy began painting at the age of six months, when his [precocious / precarious] talent became [evident / evidence] . His mother Chantelle, also an artist, said it was [oblivious / obvious] her son had artistic talent from [such / that] young age. She explained how he started painting. Chantelle had [been / being] commissioned to create a work for Miss Universe 2023. While she was working, she gave Ace-Liam [a / the] canvas and some paint. She said he clearly had an affinity [at / for] colour as he crawled over the canvas. Chantelle named his first [bit / piece] "The Crawl".

Ace-Liam is [attracting / attraction] attention across the art world. His work was exhibited [at / on] Ghana's Museum of Science in January. Nine of the 10 pieces [on / in] show at that exhibition sold. Art [lovelies / lovers] have purchased a [further / farther] six of his paintings this year. Even Ghana's first lady Rebecca Akufo-Addo commissioned work from the toddler. Chantelle said her son is creating a [star / stir] with his artistic flair. She said: "He has created a [buzz / fizz] and heightened the conversation about art appreciation." She said: "His abstract paintings are inspired [at / by] the world around him - colours, shapes, textures and his [mood / moody] ." Guinness said: "There is no doubt that Ace-Liam has an exciting career ahead of him, and we can't wait to see what [comes / goes] next."

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