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Scientists have created a map of the [wring / wiring] of a fruit fly's brain in a research project called FlyWire. The map of the neurons and connections is the most detailed ever produced for a [creative / creature] . This groundbreaking feat could revolutionize the [field / pitch] of neuroscience and unlock [secrets / secretive] about our own brain. Brain [specialist / specialism] Dr Gregory Jefferis told the BBC: "The mapping of the fly brain is really [remarked / remarkable] and will help us get a real [gasp / grasp] of how our own brains work." He said it could provide insights [onto / into] "the mechanism of thought". It took scientists [years / yearly] to analyze the fly's pinhead-sized brain. They created a detailed [diaphragm / diagram] of 139,255 neurons and 50 million connections.

The diagram of the fly's brain's [neural / neutral] pathways looks like a scientific work [at / of] art. It is a stunning, colourful web of neurons. The diagram is known [as / was] a connectome. To create it, the scientists [sliced / sluiced] the fruit fly brain into 7,000 microscopic [slivers / silvers] . Each of these was studied using an electron microscope that imaged cells that were four-millionths of a millimetre [width / wide] . The researchers classified more than 8,400 different cell types. If the neural pathways were [unravelled / unravel] , they would stretch [for / at] 150 metres. The human brain has 86 billion neurons and trillions [of / to] connections. Current technology could not create a connectome of our brain. That map is still [decade / decades] away.

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