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King Charles III is set to face [supplies / demands] to pay $260 billion in compensation for Britain's [role / roll] in the transatlantic slave trade. The British monarch will [offend / attend] the Commonwealth Heads of Government summit [later / latter] this week. The annual meeting brings together leaders of 56 [number / member] states that were once territories or [colonise / colonies] of the former British Empire. Fifteen Caribbean nations have unanimously agreed [for / to] raise the issue of slave trade reparations at the summit. Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley said the U.K. needed to atone for its past [atrocities / atrocious] . U.N. judge Patrick Robinson puts the realistic amount of reparations for damage [done / doing] by Britain during the slave trade [to / at] $25 trillion.

U.K. Foreign Secretary David Lammy has [spoke / spoken] of how his ancestors heard "twisted lies of [imperialism / imperialistic] as they were…turned [onto / into] slaves". His ancestors were [enslaved / enslaves] . In 2018, he tweeted: "As Caribbean people, we are not going to forget our history. We don't [just / justly] want to hear an apology. We want reparations." Conversely, Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg, a [possible / possibly] future chairman of the U.K. Conservative Party, suggested Commonwealth countries should pay the U.K. for its role in [abolition / abolishing] slavery. He tweeted: "They [ought / nought] to pay us for ending slavery. It is not something any other country had done, and we [were / are] motivated by Christian charity." The U.K. recently stated there would be no financial [address / redress] .

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