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A long goodbye hug at an airport in New Zealand could you in trouble. The international airport in Dunedin has a three-minute limit on the time people can hugging each other at the drop-off zone. An airport official said the limit is so traffic can flowing. He said there has recently a problem of traffic jams near the departures building. The official said too many people were too long in the drop-off zone in front of the building. The airport now warning signs that say: "Max hug time 3 minutes. For fonder farewells, please the car park." People who spend longer than three minutes saying their goodbyes could a penalty. They could get a fine or get their wheels .

The airport's new hugging policy not popular with everybody. CEO Daniel De Bono told local reporters that he has many complaints. He said: "We were of breaching basic human rights." He added that another person said: "How we limit how long someone can have a hug." Someone on the airport's Facebook page the policy "inhumane". Mr De Bono the hug posters. He said: "Three minutes is plenty of time to up, say farewell to your loved ones and move on. The time limit is really a nicer way of saying on with it." He that airports were "hotbeds of emotion" and that anything longer than a 20-second hug "really awkward".

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