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Recent research taking a dip in very cold water for several hours a week good for our health. Researchers from the University of Central Lancashire in the U.K. into the benefits of cold-water immersion therapy. They it could positive effects on our cognition, sleep quality, and overall well-being. The researchers the effects on the health of 13 people. The participants were in 10ºC water for 10 minutes, three times a week, for four weeks. Study author Dr Robert Allan the cold-water therapy could " with a number of positive physiological and psychological changes to improvements in overall general health and well-being".

Cold-water immersion has been in various fields for its curative and healing benefits. For many decades, ice baths have to the recovery of athletes following intense, energy-sapping performances. Dr Allan his findings also a positive impact on sleep. He said: "Two weeks of regular therapeutic cold-water immersion subjective sleep, with fewer sleep disturbances." Subjecting the body to cold water for health purposes already a common practice. At the New Year, people a plunge in icy seas and lakes. In Japan, bathers their bodies by alternating dips in hot and cold baths in a tradition as toto-no-u.

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