A new study has revealed the importance between down for from in of on out with exercise between down for from in of on out with teenage girls. Researchers analysed data between down for from in of on out with a study conducted between down for from in of on out with Shanghai between down for from in of on out with 75,000 women aged between down for from in of on out with 40 to 70. The team discovered that women who exercised regularly as a teenager were healthier than those who hadn't. The researchers concluded that teenage girls who did a maximum between down for from in of on out with 80 minutes exercise a week had a 16 per cent lower risk between down for from in of on out with dying from cancer and other diseases. This percentage went between down for from in of on out with to 13 for women who exercised more than 80 minutes a week as teenagers. The researchers said that between down for from in of on out with general, women would live longer if they did just 15 minutes between down for from in of on out with exercise a day between down for from in of on out with their teens. Head researcher Dr Sarah Nechuta said that even if women between down for from in of on out with their twenties, thirties and forties did not work between down for from in of on out with , doing exercise as a teen would increase longevity. She said: " between down for from in of on out with women, adolescent exercise participation, regardless between down for from in of on out with adult exercise, was associated between down for from in of on out with reduced risk between down for from in of on out with cancer and all-cause mortality." She added: "Our results support the importance between down for from in of on out with promoting exercise participation between down for from in of on out with adolescence to reduce mortality between down for from in of on out with later life and highlight the critical need between down for from in of on out with the initiation of disease prevention early between down for from in of on out with life." Dr Nechuta said that although the findings were based between down for from in of on out with data on women in China, the benefits between down for from in of on out with exercising during the teen years could be applicable to all women anywhere between down for from in of on out with the world.